Tuesday 22 September 2009

My blog...

A quick post about me to start with I think.

Who am I? My name is Sara, yup thats Sara not Sarah as the name of the blog suggests.

Where am I? The UK. I live in the north east of England, not quite Geordie not quite Yorkshire.

Whats this blog about? When I find out I'll let you know. Mainly its a place for me to discuss/rant/shout/whoop about F1 depending on who won and who went out of the race. Its also a place for me to write random stuff about cycling and my weird love of men in tight cycling clothes who ride round for days not doing a whole lot. I may also mention swimming, American Football and other such sports.

Is this blog just about sport? Er no, I do other things too. Like talk to my fellow sidepodders. No wait thats F1 again. Oh yeah I do other geek stuff like Sci-fi, fantasy and watching films. I also go to conventions. Yes, thats right conventions. With actors and stuff. And people who wear weird outfits. No not quite like that talk of Dr Mario and the suspenders. There may also be a EJ invented this bit too.

So thats about it. Random rubbish. :D


  1. Hehe, well done and welcome to the Blogasphere!

    f1geekheadpop could have been a great name for a blog though ;)

  2. Welcome to blogging, Sara!

    btw, you can change the blog name in the options somewhere if you really want to. I can tell you now though, whatever name you choose, you will question the choice many times.. so I wouldn't worry about it too much.
